Help Needed: Aseprite Sprite Sheets Not Recognized

Hello, everyone,

I'm having trouble with using sprite sheets created with Aseprite in my Playdate project. Here are my questions:

  1. Can sprite sheets created with Aseprite be used in Playdate development?
  2. If they can be used, could someone please explain in detail how to save the files correctly? While I can load animations created with PLUP, the same animations created with Aseprite are not recognized as sprite sheets in my project.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

You may be running into the issue I first had when I started. When you export a spritesheet/imagetable. to read them into lua or C you need to make sure they're named correctly. This means adding a -table-w-h onto the end of the filename.
mysprites.png is a sprite sheet with that has 4 frames. each frame is 32 pixels by 32 pixels. So I would call it:
Playdate sdk knows to keep splitting the images into 32 by 32 cells.
More Info here:

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Thank you for your help!

I wanted to let you know that your advice worked perfectly. Renaming the file with the -table-w-h format allowed my sprite sheet to be recognized, and now the animation is displaying correctly. The issue was indeed related to the file naming.

Thank you again for your assistance!

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Awesome! Yeah I feel like it gets everyone! You should be able to mark this thread as solved :+1:

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