How to fill a circle with white instead of black?

Hi, I'm wondering if there's a way to fill a circle, but with white pixels instead of black pixels. I'm creating a powerup that essentially clears the screen of enemies, and drawing it as a pentagram, but the background sprites are still visible within the pentagram:
Screenshot 2023-11-28 055630
In the above screenshot you can still see the grass behind the pentagram. I'd like it to be covered while the pentagram is still in that area, but gfx.FillCircle fills the circle black.

You have to call gfx.setColor(gfx.kColorWhite) before calling fillCircle to change the fill color to white.
It applies to every subsequent draw call so don't forget to change it back to black.


Thank you, this worked perfectly. The circle now covers up the sprites behind.
Screenshot 2023-11-28 170633