How To Move The Player With The Crank (d-pad for directional control)

So, after looking into the forums I found that there were no answers to moving the player with the crank. So I took it into my own hands to figure it out. Thanks to Scarboy for posting about checking for crank rotations!

So first, what you want to do is go down to the player script and add this script:
on update do
// This will check if you hit the d-pad.
if event.dy==-1 then
stats = 1
emit "stats1"

elseif event.dy==1 then
	stats = 2
	emit "stats2"
elseif event.dx==1 then
	emit "stats3"
	stats = 3

elseif event.dx==-1 then
	emit "stats4"
	stats = 4


After you put this in, add this section directly below it:

// this will tell you the crank direction.
on crank do

if event.ra<0 then
	direction = "backwards"
	direction = "forwards"
if direction!=last_direction then
	total_cranked = 0
total_cranked += event.ra
last_direction = direction


Thanks, Scarboy for this section of code as it was essential to me figuring this out.
Add this section in right below:

on draw do
// This checks if the total cranked was at 100

if total_cranked>=100 then
	// this simply tells you it’s registering (for troubleshooting)
	label "do it" at 15,7
	if stats==1 then
		total_cranked = 0
		emit "Move1"
	elseif stats==2 then
		emit "Move2"
		total_cranked = 0
	if stats==3 then
		emit "Move3"
		total_cranked = 0
	if stats==4 then
		emit "Move4"
		total_cranked = 0

Now that we have all of this we are onto the last section of our tough journey. Add this to the object you wish to move. I think this script works best when applied to something other than the player because you don’t have to cancel out d-pad movement. If you’re up for it, I think you can find other scripts on here to explain cancelling out d-pad movement.

// If you ever find an “idk” replace that with the title of the object you wish to move
on Move1 do

targetX = event.x
targetY = event.y
targetY += 1
	swapTarget = "idk"

swap "white"

tell targetX,targetY to
	swap swapTarget


on Move2 do

targetX = event.x
targetY = event.y
targetY -= 1
	swapTarget = "idk"

swap "white"

tell targetX,targetY to
	swap swapTarget


on Move3 do

	targetX = event.x
targetY = event.y
targetX += 1
	swapTarget = "idk"

swap "white"

tell targetX,targetY to
	swap swapTarget


on Move4 do

targetX = event.x
targetY = event.y
targetX -= 1
	swapTarget = "idk"

swap "white"

tell targetX,targetY to
	swap swapTarget


After you do all this you should be able to move the player/ object with the crank. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to freeze the player’s default d-pad movement script. I think I have figured it out but I hope you see how easy it may be. If you can’t figure it out, comment your Cancel Default Movement section of the script and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can on how to fix it (If I can). I hope this helped you! Tell me if this doesn’t work and I’ll try and see what’s wrong.


As a beginner, this helps me know how I can move sprites around in general. xD I've considered an RPG sort of game where I would like to have NPC sprites which can wander around, and I've also thought about how I could make a simple racing game by having a hidden player control a car which accelerates on its own. I wish Pulp made it easier to simply move non-player objects around, but I think I can make due with this info. xD

I ordered my PlayDate and am excited for it to arrive, but I've just been learning about Pulp and PulpScript while I wait so I can learn what's possible. I know I can start building now and use the simulator to test, but I want to try some existing games for a bit to get a feel for how the console plays! Besides, I usually do better work when I can plan things out in advance, especially for more complicated systems.

Thanks for the guide!