How to tell a Playdate's hardware revision from the Simulator

When firmware 2.0.0 was loaded onto my Rev. A device, a new pcbver parameter appeared on the Simulator when it was plugged in. Is there a definitive way to tell whether a device is revision A or B based on this number? My PCB is version 0x01, so I'm assuming that always means revision A.


Mine should be arriving within a week. When it does I'll message you and test it.

My rev A device reports pcbver=0x01. I have two rev B devices. One reports pcbver=0x12, and the other pcbver=0x13.

I made a small web utility for checking pcbver and other info returned by the version serial command:

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Anyone knows what the difference is between rev B 0x12 and 0x13?

I think it was related to Panic adding a chip to better calculate the percentage of battery remaining.

Oh I wish we could have gotten a SoC gauge in there. :disappointed: No, it was a battery thing but not that exactly--on 0x12 we'd miswired the ADC to measure the battery voltage so we had to use a clumsy, inefficient workaround there