I'm developing in C on Windows, building a pdx for the device, and uploading the pdx to the device with the Windows Simulator.
My app isn't a game, it runs some diagnostic tests and logs results with logToConsole. All of the execution happens the first time my update callback is invoked. It seems that if the update takes more than about 10 seconds then my program is forcibly halted and the device is reset. Is this a deliberate failsafe built into the operating system to terminate "stuck" programs? Is there a way to disable this behaviour?
Normally I'd never want my update function to run for 10 or more seconds, but in this case I'm doing some memory benchmarking in a small utility program, this isn't something that will ever go to an end user.
EDIT: I see mention in some other posts of "run loop stalled", is this what I'm hitting and can I do anything about it?
Thanks for any light you can shed on the situation!
For reference, here's what I see in the simulator's console window when this happens:
(output from my program, followed by ...)
22:05:40: ReadFile failed (995)
22:05:40: PlaydateSerialRead failed
22:05:40: SerialReadThread OnExit
22:05:40: Device Disconnected: COM4
22:05:40: PlaydateSerialClose (0x00000DC8)
22:05:41: Playdate Found: COM4
22:05:41: Device Connected: COM4
22:05:41: PlaydateSerialOpen (COM4)
22:05:41: Serial port opened (0x00000DC8)
22:05:41: SetCommState OK (0), BaudRate: 115200, fDtrControl: 2
22:05:41: SerialReadThread::Entry
echo off
cc=9.2.1 20191025 (release) [ARM/arm-9-branch revision 277599]
time and date set