Leaderboard - getPersonalBest work but getScores doesn't

Hello, I've been recently accepted for the Catalogue, meaning that I now have access to the leaderboard system but I get a strange bug in this code :

function OpenLeaderboard()
    local function FetchingPersonnalBest(status, result)
        scoreboardPersonnal = result
        scoreboardFetched = true
    local function FetchHighscores(status, result)
        scoreboardList = result
        playdate.scoreboards.getPersonalBest("highscores", FetchingPersonnalBest)
    local function AddHighscores(status, result)
        playdate.scoreboards.getScores("highscores", FetchHighscores)
    stateMenu = "leaderboard"

    if not scoreboardFetched then
        playdate.scoreboards.addScore("highscores", 50, AddHighscores)

All tree prints says "OK", "playdate.scoreboards.getPersonalBest" works fine and when I print it's result I get what I send in "playdate.scoreboards.addScore", but when I use "playdate.scoreboards.getScores" it return nothing and the list is empty

Shouldn't I at least get the result of my personnal best ? Is there something I'm missing here ?

I don't know the exact problem but reading through the documentation it stated that getPersonalBest is locally which is probably why that works and the other method doesn't. So maybe there's an issue posting your scores to the actual scoreboard and when checking them results in it blank?