Hi, I was wondering if any other developers were thinking of supporting multi player save files for their games?
For example, having a 'New Player' option on their title screen which would allow a new person to create a new save file to store their individual progress. Then there'd be 'Continue' or 'Switch Player' options in the main menu to let a player choose whether to play on with their game or load another one.
I think I understand the coding of it, just wondering if it's going to be something expected in Playdate games or not. I don't think any of the season 1 release games have it?
I'm planning on multiple save files (3 to 6 slots) for my horror game, just because I'm thinking it could take multiple sittings to get through. So you could let other people play on your Playdate risk free!
(I'm also thinking of letting you copy from one slot to another? Not sure yet how useful that would be.)
Two approaches: instead of storing a Lua table of save data, you could store a table OF tables of save data. OR, save a separate file for each person’s slot. (If I allow naming the slots, that won’t affect the filenames: I’ll put the name IN the saved data table, and keep the 6 or so save filenames fixed.)
I wasn't aware of this thread until it was bump'ed now. I just want to second the opinion that having multiple save slots is cool. I own one device and I share it with my partner. Some narrative-driven games from S1 are impossible to play apart-together.