Need help with Japanese font for Pulp

I was wondering how to change font language on Pulp and if not possible could someone make a font where you replace the letters with Hiragana and Katakana characters? I struggle A LOT with writing different characters that are not letters or letters with accents. Thank you for reading!

I'm not sure how to share games so i hope this worksピクセルビルド

Different character sets aren't a feature of Pulp, you just have to make do with the character set it has. You can of course edit the glyphs to look however you like. You can also embed tiles in text, so if you need more characters an option is to make them as tiles.

To share a Pulp game you'll need to click either EXPORT or DOWNLOAD PDX. Exporting will provide a .json file that can be imported into the Pulp editor. Downloading a PDX will give you a file you can sideload onto Playdate.