I'm working on Nine Men's Morris for Playdate. I've got the game mechanics and images done, and I could use some help with audio. I'm open to graphics and fonts, as well. If you are interested in providing even just one thing, I would appreciate it!
Main menu
Change selection
Make selection
Background music
Moving the space selector
Invalid space selector move
Selecting a space to move a piece to
Invalid space selection
Selecting a piece from the board to move
Unselecting a piece
Invalid piece selection
Forming a mill
Pounding a piece
Having only 3 pieces left
Win celebration
Background music
For context, here is an example game.
All feedback is welcome and appreciated; I'm doing this project to practice making a delightful experience.
I can point you to some great royalty free music. What kind of vibe were you thinking for menu and game? Just list some words the describe your thoughts, will be enough.
Thanks for the audio! The board slide, piece selection, mill, pound, 3 pieces left, and win fanfare sounds are all great. I'll be sure to credit you.
The audio for moving pieces worked really well for the pound sound. That means that any time a pound happens, one of three sounds can be randomly chosen, and I think the variety is nice.
I've updated my original post with checkboxes, I checked the boxes that are done, and I made some changes.
Invalid action
I forgot to mention that a player could attempt to move the selector off the board, select an unavailable piece, or select an unavailable space. Audible feedback might improve the experience when the player performs an invalid action.
Moving pieces
Instead of two distinct sound effects for moving a piece from one place to another, just one sound effect for selecting a space is good. I imagine something like selecting a menu option.
The sound for moving the space selector works, but seems a little harsh. Something a little smoother(?) might be better. The length is good.
Pieces slide
The audio for pieces sliding sounded more like pieces being dumped on a table. Something more like the board slide (higher pitch and shorter?) might be better.
Again, I really appreciate the sounds effects! I'd love to hear what you come up with for the main menu, if you can spare the time.
Often times I use subtle changes in rate for sounds that will be repeated often so they don't become annoying over time. Similar to what you did with the POUND sfx, you could actually get this with any sound you have. For example, try randomizing the piece selection sfx between rate 0.8 - 1.2 for a bit of variety.
Here are some additional sounds for the menu, the invalid sounds, and your other requests. I tried to provide some options for each so hopefully you can find a good fit for whats there. The new sounds should all be prefixed with 2023-12-Nimbushead-take2-*
Thanks! I could probably use the most help with the POUND graphic. I'm happy with the WINNER and flying graphics, but if you feel like making those better, I'm all for it. The flying graphic is the wing that appears in the upper-right and upper-left corners when the player only has 3 pieces left.