OneBitDitherTool - A dithering app I made for my Playdate projects

A while back I made a dithering app that is basically a GUI for the didder command line dithering tool. I went ahead and released it on GitHub, as I think it could be useful to more people than just myself. It currently runs on Windows and Linux. If anyone wants to help with Mac support, the GitHub page has more information. Here is a list of features:

  • Supports all dithering algorithms provided by didder:

    • Bayer dithering
      • 2x2, 3x3, 3x5, 5x3, 4x4, 8x8, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, custom size
    • Ordered dithering
      • Vertical5x3, Horizontal3x5, ClusteredDotVerticalLine, ClusteredDotHorizontalLine, ClusteredDot4x4, ClusteredDotSpiral5x5, ClusteredDot6x6, ClusteredDotDiagonal6x6, ClusteredDot8x8, ClusteredDotDiagonal8x8, ClusteredDotDiagonal16x16
    • Error diffusion dithering
      • Simple2D, FloydSteinberg, FalseFloydSteinberg, JarvisJudiceNinke, Atkinson, Stucki, Burkes, Sierra, TwoRowSierra, SierraLite, StevenPigeon
    • Random noise dithering
  • Fine control over dither strength, image brightness, and image contrast with real-time updates in the preview window.

  • Multiple ways to open files. You can drag a single image into the window, drag a folder into the window to load multiple images, or use a file browser to open one or more images (select multiple with ctrl or shift click).

  • Dither many images at the same time, with the same settings.

  • A toggle button to show the original image for making comparisons.


Very cool!

I'd never heard of didder, and it's great to see Pigeon dithering in there since I uncovered it in 2019.


Just pushed a new update to the app! You can now resize images before dithering, as well as modify the RGB channel multipliers individually. You can download it from the Releases section of the GitHub page.

Also, a big thanks to @ChildishGiant for adding Linux support! There is now a Linux version for OneBitDitherTool v1.1.0 included in Releases.

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Coming soon on macOS too :wink:


Yes! Thanks to @DidierMalenfant , macOS is now also supported. If you are on macOS, you must first install all of the prerequisites, and then download OneBitDitherTool from the Releases section.

This tool is really great! I used it on a little test project this weekend, and it worked amazingly well. Thanks so much for creating and sharing it.

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