Pdutil on MacOS?

Hi, pardon the newbie question:

I see from the thread about using the windows sdk there is a "pdutil" binary you can use to install compiled .pdx files to the device. Is there no pdutil on MacOS or is it maybe just not included in SDK 0.10.1?

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If you simply want to transfer a game to the playdate, on macOS the Playdate Simulator is used to do that ( Device > Upload game to device or ⌘U)

However if you want to push a game on the device just with a command line, I don't think it is possible in the current SDK.

Fantastic! I didn't notice that you could push from the sim – was expecting something more difficult :wink:


:wave: thanks had the same question !

While the SDK does not ship a ready-to-use pdutil on macOS, you can still automate the various steps. Use

echo "datadisk" > /dev/cu.usbmodem00000000001A1

to put the device into a mode where you can interact with its file system. Then, you can use

 rsync --delete -vr path/to/you.pdx /Volumes/PLAYDATE/Games/

to transfer your game to it (--delete removes stale files, e.g. when you renamed assets).
To put the device back into normal mode, eject the volume

diskutil eject /Volumes/PLAYDATE

before launching the game

echo "run /Games/your.pdx" > /dev/cu.usbmodem00000000001A1

In my project, I created a helper pdutil.py that recovers from various conditions, uses timeouts, forwards the logs to the terminal and even attempts to detect crashes so it presents the most-recent /crashlog.txt and /errorlog.txt in such a scenario.

I read somewhere that macOS will get pdutil sometime soon. If 0.10.2 won't include it, I will generalize my tool and make it available more broadly.