Rendering text to a LCDBitmap?

Is this the correct way to render text to a bitmap?
Is there a way to get a per-text font height - so "..." has a different height to "OOO" ?

  * \brief    Render the given text using the font to a bitmap
  * \details  Draw the given text, using the given font into a correctly sized bitmap.
  *           Populates <rect> with the dimensions, if supplied.
  *           The height of the text is fixed for the font, so the height of 
  *           "..." is the same as "OOO", but the former will be on the bottom
  *           of the bitmap.
  * \returns  A pointer to a bitmap that the caller is responsible for freeing.
LCDBitmap *renderTextToBitmap( LCDFont *font, const char *text, LCDColor foreground_colour, LCDColor background_colour, PDRect *rect )
#ifdef assert
    assert( font && text );

    LCDBitmap *new_bitmap = NULL;
    int        text_len   = strlen( text );
    int        width      = playdate->graphics->getTextWidth( font, text, text_len, kASCIIEncoding, 0 );
    int        height     = playdate->graphics->getFontHeight( font );

    new_bitmap = playdate->graphics->newBitmap( width, height, background_colour );
    if ( new_bitmap != NULL )
        playdate->graphics->pushContext( new_bitmap );
        playdate->graphics->setDrawMode( foreground_colour );

        playdate->graphics->setFont( font );
        playdate->graphics->drawText( text, text_len, kASCIIEncoding, 0, 0 );

        playdate->system->logToConsole( "Bitmap Dimension [%dx%d]", width, height );

    if ( rect != NULL )
        rect->width  = width;
        rect->height = height;

    return new_bitmap;

I would call this something like:

// font_big already loaded LCDFont;
PDRect     good_job_rect;
LCDBitmap *good_job_bitmap = renderTextToBitmap( font_big, "Good Job!", kColorWhite, kColorClear, &good_job_rect );
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