Retrieve Playdate Owner Username

an in SDK function for retrieval of the username associated with the PD device would be great.

This could allow for a few options, such as automatically generating a character name in an RPG, or allowing for random seeds based on device owner username for instance.

It would also allow for "DLC" to be unlocked for a specific account holder based on encrypt/decrypt functions using the username as the seed.

Currently there is no way to pull this string data from device (that i am aware of)


Oops: your question was unrelated to scoring. But I guess the answer still holds for Catalog games.

Daeke mentioned a workaround here using

playdate.scoreboards.getPersonalBest(boardID, callback)

It returns rank, player (username), and value (score)


this aparently only works for catalog games?
Is that right?

Yes I mention that in my quote thing above

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Duplicate of playdate.getPlayerNickName()


not exactly a duplicate. Your nickname suggestion has overlap but would also be user changable and might not match the username of the account itself, so would not work for things like unique secret key generation.