Screan update flashing

I'm using the sdk on mac and i was wonder how to do a screan update without flashing the whole screen because what i am trying to do is this "" and its causing a violent flashing. How do I prevent this?

One way provided by the SDK is the Sprite system. It takes care of drawing only changed pixels. You can also have a background, which is one big, screen-sized sprite and would replace clearing the screen in your example. Also remember that you can draw directly into sprites. It takes a little thinking differently but once you get it you'll be away.

Playdate can update the whole screen at 50fps so perhaps don't worry about partial updates too soon. I only tackled it after my game had been up an running (and getting increasingly slower) for a couple months.

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thanks i'll look into it and let you know what i find

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Another way is to limit the areas you are drawing into using Clipping. I've not tried this personally.

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