Your Morning Coffee - a game about a sip of perfect drip

Have you been envying all those baristas able to produce top coffee in chemex anytime they want? Well I am here to save you with a game, that combines Isometric play with cutscene/minigames where you will have a chance to boil water, wash filters, grind beans and do all those other boring things that lead to having a sip of a good coffee in the morning. :slight_smile: Super realistic simulator of a discipline, that takes it self sometimes too seriously. :slight_smile:

Working in Lua, learning the language along the way. Using all those great libraries that have been already done like Noble Engine, Signals, pDialogue etc. This is actually my first project after 10 years of hiatus of deving - after I completely pivoted my career choices. Before that I was full time senior dev in as3, working on facebook targeted multiplayer games. Have to say I am super excited about the vibe of community around Playdate and hope I will add to the library of games something that's fun, unique, a bit educational and luvly. :slight_smile:

Adding a screenshot of my custom isometric engine after three days of development. If anyone would be considering joining the OMGTopBoy team - please do join my discord and lets discuss, I don't byte! :slight_smile:

05 walk collide stumble with graphics


Looks really cool!! :eyes:

raquel, you are much too kind, thank you! <3

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And so I am here 2:30 am almost, enjoying my re-found love for developement of games. My engine is growing. I've decided to double the tile size, started to optimize it a bit and created nice general interaction sub-engine, that allows me to create low code events for the scenario. And it seems it will not be a one man project after all - fingers crossed.
10 framerate optimisied


@OMGTopBoy Hey! If you want more feedback, consider joining our Community Discord! People are more active there😊 Playdate Squad It even has a dedicated channel for game development!

Oh, I didn't know, thanks. Joined! :slight_smile:

I have a huge progress and thought I could share a bit of visuals. Working on the game mechanics now and all the meat and bones, but I am happy where the skin and garments are going to. :slight_smile: All up to date info is everyday on playdate discord. Not sure what other socials should I embrace.
49 phone


I love the way that this looks! What a big change

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Thanks, Steve! So I have rewritten the engine again, because I have abandoned strictly tile oriented ISO and now its possible to use TileLayer in Tiled editor or/and/in combination with Object Layer and put the whole background to it and collisions can be drawn as geometrical spaces (not derived from tiled types automatically) - which allows for even better aesthetics. That is the final step - this render is from yesterday, now I have bigger progress on inventories and combinatorics of objects in general. (Not mentioning the performance and organisation of work improvements this has brought...)
57 new stylesheets and actions


Looks like you have made some great progress! Awesome work!

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Like the art :slight_smile: Looks like rich story adventure.