Cannot play a .MID file

I've tried multiple .MID files using'FILE.mid') and nothing happens. It seems like the file isn't even recognised as all of the tracks are nil.

I've used both Windows and Linux for the SDK build and neither of them recognise the .MID files I've tried. Not even the Playdate plays it. >.<

I’ve found that the SDK example MIDIPlayer also doesn’t function when building it.
It too won’t load the .MID file correctly (or at all).

idk what to do and I'd really like any help I can get.

How are you building the MIDIPlayer bundle? Should be something like pdc Source MIDIPlayer.pdx from the Examples/MIDIPlayer dir.

Oh, I see the problem.
I had some flags in my build script that helped with a previous project.
Those flags were excluding the .MID from being included… x.x;

Thank you so much for reminding me to build it directly.