since the SDK came out, I slowly coded on a small pet project: a simple counter you can increase or decrease by turning the crank. To make it more complex, I decided to add some polish and features:
self drawn digits
you can switch between base 10, 2, 16 and 60
animations and sound when changing digits and in the main menu
I call it "This is (basically) counting"
Its free, so try it out and give me feedback and suggestions.
You can download it on its itch.io page.
I think your counter looks amazing! And thank you for the kind words on my counter, I don't think mine was the first of counters, and I doubt either of our counters will be the last It is such an obvious and fun idea for the crank. I think the forum is made to inspire each other, so I really wouldn't worry about that sort of thing.
If you want feedback; I wonder whether the base indicator is isn't too small to read on the playdate screen? Esp. For people with less than perfect eyesight, suboptimal lighting etc.
You are absolutely right, thanks for your feedback! This will definitely be changed, if I will continue working on the project.
The size comes from when I didn't have the real device to test on, and had to eyeball the sizes.
I also don't like, that you can't see all the options and their positions on the wheel, so that should be improved as well.