If you've ever wanted images uploaded to device to reside somewhere persistently, and be able to store more than one, here's a simple, limited tool for that purpose. Share entire slideshows with others on-device, or compare different designs you're evaluating.
It's a Playdate Lua project, not a compiled app. Enhance it, re-use, do whatever you want with it freely! (It's also an example of my "grid gallery" system from my Playtime clock, which uses row-wrapping and looping to make the d-pad do more than just a conventional grid view—including support for partial last rows, when the number of cells doesn't come out even.)
Image Viewer.zip (10.1 KB)
The small thumbnails automatically preserve most common grayscale dithers! They are 1/3 size, which mathematically lets 2x2 (or other even-sized) dither patterns survive scaling nicely. Strokes smaller than 3px may get lost in the thumbnails.
Drop PNGs into the Images folder, then build and send to device.
Any size PNG will work, and gray-on-gray simulator screenshots are fine! Transparent areas draw in checkered gray. (Do not use image table PNGs unless you rename them to remove the "table.")
You can also add/remove .pdi images in the Images folder inside the .pdx package, using USB disk mode, to change images without re-building--however, new builds will overwrite those changes.
D-pad to navigate the thumbnail gallery in alphabetical order. 3x3 shown at once, total capacity limited only by memory. Press (A) to view the selected image at native size, then (A) again to toggle filename display. (Filenames are also printed to console for each image viewed.) (B) to return to gallery.
D-pad works exactly the same when viewing an image as in the gallery: left/right will cycle through ALL images, continuing to the next row as needed, and wrapping back from the last one to the first. Up/down will jump 3 forward or back.