I'm unable to get PDSynthInstrument
to play a note.
I create 10 synths and set them to 0-128 MIDI range.
The generator code is fmsynth as provided in this example:
works for a synth with the same config as the ones used in the instrument.
never calls synthNoteOnFunc
I'm on SDK 2.0.1. This is running on Linux simulator.
Is there something I'm missing from the PDSynthInstrument
#define MAX_NOTES 10
PDSynth* synth;
PDSynth* synths[MAX_NOTES];
PDSynthInstrument* inst;
// fmsynth stuff omitted
static bool synth_setup(void) {
inst = pd->sound->instrument->newInstrument();
synth = pd->sound->synth->newSynth();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NOTES; ++i) {
synths[i] = pd->sound->synth->newSynth();
if (synths[i] == NULL) return false;
// same as fmsynth example
memset(&generator, 0, sizeof(generator));
generator.modulator.ratio = 1.1;
generator.modulator.level = 0.2;
generator.carrier.ratio = 1.0;
pd->sound->synth->setWaveform(synth, kWaveformSine);
pd->sound->synth->setAttackTime(synth, 0.005);
pd->sound->synth->setDecayTime(synth, 0.1);
pd->sound->synth->setSustainLevel(synth, 0.3);
pd->sound->synth->setReleaseTime(synth, 1);
const int stereo = 1;
pd->sound->synth->setGenerator(synth, stereo, fm_render, fm_noteOn, fm_release, fm_setparam, fm_dealloc, &generator);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NOTES; ++i) {
pd->sound->synth->setWaveform(synths[i], kWaveformSine);
pd->sound->synth->setAttackTime(synths[i], 0.005);
pd->sound->synth->setDecayTime(synths[i], 0.1);
pd->sound->synth->setSustainLevel(synths[i], 0.3);
pd->sound->synth->setReleaseTime(synths[i], 1);
pd->sound->synth->setGenerator(synths[i], stereo, fm_render, fm_noteOn, fm_release, fm_setparam, fm_dealloc, &generator);
const int ok = pd->sound->instrument->addVoice(inst, synths[i], 0, 128, i * 12);
if (!ok) return false;
pd->sound->instrument->setVolume(inst, 1, 1);
return true;
void play_note(const float note) {
const float vel = 1.0;
const float len = 0.2;
// plays the note, fm_render (synthRenderFunc) is called
pd->sound->synth->playNote(synth, note, vel, len, 0);
// nothing is played, synthNoteOnFunc is called but not fm_render (synthRenderFunc) not called
// return value is not NULL
PDSynth* s = pd->sound->instrument->playNote(inst, note, vel, len, 0);
int eventHandler(PlaydateAPI* pd, PDSystemEvent event, uint32_t arg) {
return 0;