Vscode compiles but doesn't launch simulator

OS: Mac

I am using the vscode Playdate extension v.0.9.1 and I have successfully gotten a task compile an example game. However, I cannot get the plugin to run the compiled output. I can open the simulator and run the compiled code.

  1. I know the launch config is running preLaunchTask and compiling my source.
  2. I cannot tell what is happening after the preLaunchTask finishes because there is no debug but it seems like the extension cannot find Playdate Simulator.app
  3. Opening the newly compiled game manually via the simulator works fine.

This is my launch configuration:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
        "request": "launch",
        "type": "playdate",
        "name": "Run app in Playdate simulator",
        "preLaunchTask": "Compile App",
        "source": "${workspaceFolder}/Source",
        "output": "${workspaceFolder}/Output/FirstGame.pdx",

Install the Playdate Debug extension as well. I've had a lot of trouble with this and at the moment it does not launch the simulator for me, but the debugger does connect to it if it's already open, which is good enough for me - I really just need to debug things and don't need the convenience of opening / loading the pdx into the simulator from vs code.

Turns out that once connected, you can rebuild the pdx, switch to the simulator, reload the pdx from there, and you don't need to reconnect the debugger - it stays connected and your breakpoints will work and everything.

Something to note as there is little error reporting - mess around with the parameters you're sending as some extensions read from the pdxinfo file and use that. This tripped me up because I have a different name for the app in the pdxinfo to the source folder name, so that confused things for a bit.